We buried my father-in-law yesterday

I’d known him since I was 14, and had a weekend job on his farm. He taught me how to drive a tractor, to plough and perhaps most importantly of all, how to notice, value and love the natural world. We buried him at Blythburgh, yards from where he took his first farm tenancy nearly 70 years ago.

After the funeral, I spoke with many others who had also, like me, been what he called ‘Saturday boys’ on his farm. Two are farmers today, and attribute their career choice to his early influence.

My parents both died more than 40 years ago, so Michael took their place in my life. I dedicated my latest book to him, and am really pleased he had the chance to read the book before he died.

Perhaps like all the best mentors, he did not fully appreciate the impact he had on the lives of those around him. He will be missed by many.


I’ve been thinking


Writing and reading in Suffolk