I’ve been thinking

A couple of weeks in the USA, visiting Philadelphia and our daughter in Maine, has given me a much needed opportunity to reflect on my life. More importantly, it’s helped me recognise that in my enthusiasm to help others, I’ve said yes to too many pro-bono roles. This week would have seen two days of trustee meetings, one online and the other in Leeds.

So I’ve started June by withdrawing from all but what is local and so more important to me. I no longer need national roles, because I am becoming nationally known as a non-fiction author. That is all the recognition I need and what I want to be remembered for when I die - if indeed I am remembered at all.

Now I am busy researching my next book, and responding to invitations to speak about my latest book, which was published in April. I only check emails three times a day, and am less active on social media.

Holidays are also an opportunity to try new things, so for two weeks I was driving a Ford Mustang, which is probably the last car I would choose, but the one Hertz thought I would like. It was noisy and fast, but I’m glad to be back behind the wheel of my electric Hyundai.


Leiston Book Festival


We buried my father-in-law yesterday