The storm before the calm

This past few days I’ve been restless, at times depressed and always horribly distracted from the task ahead. It’s always like this when I move from thinking about my next book, to actually putting words down on paper. Doubts block my path, as I wonder if I’ll be able to make this work, if those I want to interview will agree, and if my chosen publisher will agree with me that this is a subject that needs to be written about.

Earlier this week, I nailed a title Down to Earth and the next stage is to write both a publisher pitch and a business plan, because unlike with my last book, which will be published in April, I plan to build an audience for this book as I write it. It might appear counter-creative to start with a plan, rather than just writing, but this is the way I always work.

Now I have to step back from distraction, and start the journey.


Home alone

