Home alone

Belinda has been attending a craft fair in Norwich and stayed in a budget hotel for two nights, leaving me home alone for the first time in ages. As she has been reminding me, I was regularly away from home two or more nights a week on business trips, leaving her at home with the children. I have to admit.

She never complained, I guess because to do my job I had to travel, but I’ve hated being at home on my own. Yes I’ve been able to eat what I want, and watch things on TV I’d not have watched had Belinda been here, particularly Ordinary Men, a shocking film about how in 1940s Germany committing mass murder became acceptable and normal to men who before the war, lived uneventful, conventional lives.

I’m proud of the way my wife is building a successful jewellery business, but this last few days have taught me never to take her for granted,  because I really don’t know how I’d manage if she was not here.


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