
I’m reading Ronald Blythe’s new book, which is a charming collection of his thoughts and experiences of living in rural south Suffolk, close to the Essex border. He’s lived in the same house for decades, and so his life is interwoven with the very fabric of the countryside.

In his writing, he seamlessly blends the changing seasons with the church year, being both a keen observer of nature and a lay canon in his deanery. But what strikes me most is his obvious willingness to belong, and play his part in village life.

I’ve nearly always avoided getting involved with things, preferring simply to observe, or worse, to believe that I am better employed in bigger things. Yet what I am learning from Blythe’s book, is the value we can all gain from getting involved in even simple things that are going on around us.

I know from experience that he is always willing to give someone a little of his time and if asked, to offer valuable advice. He once agreed to meet me and we enjoyed a very pleasant lunch and stimulating conversation.

I am now living in Leiston, a town I lived in 50 years ago and a town I have been visiting ever since. It is a place where I feel I belong, but you can only truly belong when you are involved. That will be my challenge for 2023.


Learning from other writers


I made a new friend yesterday