Doing the right thing - in the right way!

I was startled when a four foot tall baby hare was delivered to the Quaker Meeting House one Sunday morning. We often get visitors, but not usually quite like this one. Later I learned that one of our members had agreed to support St Elizabeth’s, our local hospice, by getting us involved in their latest fundraising campaign.

In a nutshell, we have to raise £650 and paint the hare. Then it joins other groups’ hares on display in Ipswich town centre, before finally returning to Leiston where it will form a quirky addition to our outreach toolbox. I know we’ll have fun taking him to various events though the year.

Experience told me that the easiest way to raise the money was by crowdfunding, so I set this page up hoping that Quakers and others would support our cause. A number who chipped in I know had seen the work the hospice does, supporting close friends and family members as their lives drew to a close.

What took me by surprise though, was the speed with which we reached our target. Within 10 days of starting the campaign, we’d exceeded the target, so I stretched it to £1,000. Every penny will go to the hospice and when the campaign closes, I hope to invite those who pay tax to allow the hospice to collect gift aid on their donations, That could add 25% to the total raised.

I planned to leave my old entrepreneurial life behind when we moved back to Suffolk, but it’s nice to be able to dust down old skills and help people do the right thing, in the right way, with a better than expected result!


Why I doubt I’ll live to 90


Accepting and adapting