I’m getting Down to Earth

From watching kids making sandcastles, to walking naked with naturists, researching my next book Down to Earth is taking me to some interesting and unusual places. We take the soil beneath our feet for granted, yet everything we eat, and much of what we use, has grown from the ground.

Environmentalists remined us that soil has the capacity to both release, and lock away, masses of carbon. It all depends on how we use, or abuse it. How much of what we read is accurate, and how can we tread a pragmatic path through the often contradictory information people give us?

Inspired by the way George Ewart Evans worked, I’m not leading those I interview, and often, one interview leads me in a direction I’d not planned to go. The book will be published early in 2026, and over the next six months I’ll be busy reading, talking, listening and writing.

As with my last book, my publisher Unbound is giving you the opportunity to pre-order, and have your name listed in the back of the book. Think of this as your opportunity to show your public support for common sense and a book will quite literally take us back to our roots. Here’s a link you can both follow, and if you care about our future, perhaps share with others too. https://unbound.com/books/down-to-earth


Leiston Book Festival